Thursday, December 31, 2009

first poem

Hello again!

Well, given the title I suppose I should post some poems. I'll only do one a day so that I dont run out, and at the end I'll post a suprise for you.

This one is called "swine"


wide spread


wash your hands

cough into your arm

bless you

we don't know

what it means


all we know

is that people

turn into pigs


get real.

Please comment so that I know that you're there! Thanks!

Yours truly, M P

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Post numero uno

Well, hi.

Whoever you are, I hope you like whatever I post. I promise no brilliance, but my family says that my poems and book are awesome. Then again, they're my family, so they're kind of obligated to say nice things like that.

I can't divulge my identity to you, in case you're a psychopathic murderer. I will only tell you that I turned sixteen two days ago, play trombone and french horn, and am addicted to my iPod touch. I live in Mission, British Columbia, with my mother, grandmother, and dog.

I also speak fluent french.

I'm afraid my poems and my book are a little dreary, so... you have been warned. Anyway, enjoy! I hope you like it, whoever you are. By the way, I will be using a codename. From here on in, I shall be known as Miss Piggy

Sincerely, Miss Piggy